Tips on How to Handle Anxiety Over Eye Procedures

Having a little anxiety before your eye procedure is normal, but for some people, the anxiety becomes overwhelming. If you’re dealing with severe anxiety about an upcoming eye procedure, be sure to inform your eye doctor. There are things they can do and suggest to help you cope with and lessen your anxiety.

A few suggestions for ways to handle anxiety before an eye procedure include:

Identify your support system

One of the most important things you can do to ease your mind before surgery is to identify all of the players in your support system. This can include anyone from your medical team, family members, friends, support groups, professionals, and more. Collect contact information for each person or entity in your support group and keep this information with you. Make sure that anyone caring for you during this time has this contact information as well.

Get educated

A lot of the anxiety before an eye procedure comes from the unknown. Not knowing what is going on or what to expect can lead to fear and anxious feelings. By learning as much as you can about your eye condition and the upcoming procedure, you can quell some of those nervous feelings. Ask your doctor for literature about the procedure, its benefits, and its risks. Your doctor may also have previous patients that you can speak with about the upcoming procedure to give you personal insight and advice that you may not find elsewhere.

Plan ahead

You can’t plan everything or know exactly what obstacles you will face during and after your eye procedure, but by having a plan in place to deal with potential roadblocks, you’ll feel more confident and less anxious. Your eye doctor will inform you of everything you need to do before and after the procedure for optimal recovery. Write all of this information down in a notebook or on your phone. Include steps you need to take in case of side effects or complications. This is also a great place to keep all of those support system contacts! Keep this plan easily accessible to you and your caretakers so that everyone knows your exact wishes if something unexpected occurs.

Distract yourself

On the day of your procedure, bring some distractions with you to keep your mind off of what’s ahead. Music, reading materials, or even games on your phone can be quite soothing and ease some of your pre-procedure anxiety.

Practice relaxation techniques

There are many tried-and-true relaxation techniques you can try to calm your nerves before your eye procedure. Deep breathing, meditation, massage, yoga, biofeedback, and more are all great ways to relax and prepare for your upcoming procedure. Some techniques, such as deep breathing and meditation, can be used on the day of surgery right up until anesthesia is administered. Meditation soundtracks are very useful as both a distraction and relaxation method.

Trust your doctor

If you have trust in the doctor performing your eye procedure, along with their team, you’ll have much less anxiety about the upcoming procedure. Research your eye doctor’s background thoroughly before any surgery. Look into their education, employment history, surgical statistics, local reputation, and more before undergoing any procedure. Using a reputable doctor for your eye procedure could mean the difference between a smooth recovery or painful revisions.

Top-Quality Eye Care in Tampa

When you choose Dr. Justin J. Older for your eye care needs, you’re choosing one of the highest caliber eye professionals in Tampa Bay. Dr. Older and his team are educated, experienced, and committed to providing you with the best care for your eyes possible. Call us at (813) 971-3846 or contact us online to schedule your exam and consultation today!

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Phone: (813) 971-3846

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